Creation of a vision, that will not be just on the paper, but that will be owned by all at Nareshwadi and that will represent the school externally... such a vision starts of course with the children! Who else should know what is Nareshwadi about, what makes it different, unique? That is why we organized a big “Logo Workshop” for all 500 children on 15 July.
The project team was quite big: Sandra (US volunteer), Leena (Indian volunteer), Amit (HR consultant), Dipesh (call centre agent and leader of Youth for People), Matt (graphic designer) and me. Later on Nina and Sujeet (both from the same company as Dipesh), as well as former students of Nareshwadi joined. From the very beginning, I tried to plan properly: What is the goal of the workshop? Who should be involved and how? How will the day look like? How will we engage both children and teachers? Where can it take place? What resources are needed? What is the budget? What are the actions? … Well, we did discuss, how to explain what a logo is and how to approach 500 children. But we would not agree the details and most of the questions above, before we actually got to Nareshwadi.
I at least updated the project summary and met the teachers to give them a briefing and ask them for help. The reaction was rather cold: Why should we come on Sunday? How does a vision or a strategy concern us? You volunteers always come with yet another idea…but we are just teachers! We had quite a good discussion about these concerns. Thanks God that I didn’t experience this kind of resistance for the first time in my life, I have got quite a good training from our Sales team in Czech republic. :) Finally, we would laugh and all teachers would greet me: “Dobry den!” in Czech. They got relaxed and some even excited.
On the day D, I hoped to finally agree the process and roles on the way in the car… The others, however, remained calm, having a nap before we have reached Nareshwadi. At the big meeting with teachers, Amit for the first time explained to everybody, what will be going on. One teacher and a volunteer were allocated to each class. At the same time, we have finalized the logo presentation, because the original one got lost during the night. Ready, let’s go and to talk to the children!
The opening was done by the school principal, followed by Amit, who quickly generated energy in the big hall. After asking simple questions like: “If you were not here, what would you miss about Nareshwadi?,” children started to call out: Playground! Chickoos! My teacher! Friends! Then, Amit let children guess, what companies stand behind a few examples of logos. Even if children do not use any brands, they did get the Parle G biscuits or Pepsi. Well done! After a short summary, what a logo is, they all got a pack of 12 crayons (Quite a difference to the standard chalk or a pen) and went with their class to play some games before they would actually start drawing a “logo” of the school.
While I was passing through all the classrooms with Amit, I got really impressed by the number of ideas that the children were able to generate. School building, hostel, palm trees, children playing on the ground, water pump, milk van… a lot of the photos were a kind of thank you for the big ifacilities mprovements, which took place in the last year, often with help of volunteers. So many colors, so many nice things that children appreciate!
During the special, festive lunch, the big team of “judges” somehow disintegrated. Teachers went home for their own lunch, some volunteers fell a sleep after the nightshift or stayed with the kids. Nevertheless, we managed to select the final 16 pictures representing the best pieces of work of all 10 classes. They all were so insightful! From my friend Katarina from Czech, we had exactly 16 prizes and thus could start the big celebration!
All 500 children gathered in the community hall. Watching a slideshow with the workshop photos, they laughed so much! Look at him! Look at her! Then Amit announced the winners one by one, their pictures appeared on the big screen and the student got the prize from our special guests (see video for the overall winner). Cheering, clapping hands, sweets for each of them and finally some Bollywood dancing by Nina and me. :)

And what is the winning logo, that Matt finalized? It is made by a student from the 7th standard and it pictures a colorful maze with a motto: “If you do not look for the way, you cannot find it.”
When the whole project team was about to leave back to Mumbai, I decided to stay and enjoy the amazing atmosphere with kids. I would not be able to explain why. But I fell in love with this place!
If you would like to see more photos from this event, see
I have also noted some first TIPS, that would be definitely useful for my volunteer work here in India:
LEARNING 1: Always start to learn the people and disclose quite some personal information before you try to engage them in any of your great projects. Applicable not only in India. :)
LEARNING 2: Do plan to make sure that the project will be successful. But remain flexible till the very last moment and do not expect others to plan too. During the process, enjoy the miracle of teamwork, while making sure that things get actually done. Believe in success and celebrate! Easy to say, ha? :)
I at least updated the project summary and met the teachers to give them a briefing and ask them for help. The reaction was rather cold: Why should we come on Sunday? How does a vision or a strategy concern us? You volunteers always come with yet another idea…but we are just teachers! We had quite a good discussion about these concerns. Thanks God that I didn’t experience this kind of resistance for the first time in my life, I have got quite a good training from our Sales team in Czech republic. :) Finally, we would laugh and all teachers would greet me: “Dobry den!” in Czech. They got relaxed and some even excited.
The opening was done by the school principal, followed by Amit, who quickly generated energy in the big hall. After asking simple questions like: “If you were not here, what would you miss about Nareshwadi?,” children started to call out: Playground! Chickoos! My teacher! Friends! Then, Amit let children guess, what companies stand behind a few examples of logos. Even if children do not use any brands, they did get the Parle G biscuits or Pepsi. Well done! After a short summary, what a logo is, they all got a pack of 12 crayons (Quite a difference to the standard chalk or a pen) and went with their class to play some games before they would actually start drawing a “logo” of the school.
During the special, festive lunch, the big team of “judges” somehow disintegrated. Teachers went home for their own lunch, some volunteers fell a sleep after the nightshift or stayed with the kids. Nevertheless, we managed to select the final 16 pictures representing the best pieces of work of all 10 classes. They all were so insightful! From my friend Katarina from Czech, we had exactly 16 prizes and thus could start the big celebration!

And what is the winning logo, that Matt finalized? It is made by a student from the 7th standard and it pictures a colorful maze with a motto: “If you do not look for the way, you cannot find it.”
When the whole project team was about to leave back to Mumbai, I decided to stay and enjoy the amazing atmosphere with kids. I would not be able to explain why. But I fell in love with this place!
If you would like to see more photos from this event, see
I have also noted some first TIPS, that would be definitely useful for my volunteer work here in India:
LEARNING 1: Always start to learn the people and disclose quite some personal information before you try to engage them in any of your great projects. Applicable not only in India. :)
LEARNING 2: Do plan to make sure that the project will be successful. But remain flexible till the very last moment and do not expect others to plan too. During the process, enjoy the miracle of teamwork, while making sure that things get actually done. Believe in success and celebrate! Easy to say, ha? :)
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