Sunday, July 8, 2007

500 smiling faces of Nareshwadi

Surprisingly, there has never been a common tracking system of Nareshwadi students, not even one list with all their names. To learn all the students, generate some energy and have a quick win, we have decided to make this the first project.

Sandra, my colleague, simply collected the names from the different teachers and invited all children class by class into the big dining hall. I really admired how they were all calmly sitting in rows on the floor, waiting for their name to be called. Sister Phadke and the “farm in charge” Sanjeev helped us to call out the names and check the spelling in English. It was running so smoothly, that we were able to take all photos during 2 afternoons! To give you an idea, I include some of the 500 smiling faces.

The plan is now to collect basic information about the children, from their parent’s details, contact address, or health status, upto school results.

Finally, one of the office clerks should be trained by Sandra and will responsible for the database update. I wonder how will this work! :o)

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